You may not be the prayin' kind, or believe much of the things that I believe—and that's okay by me if it's okay by you. But in light of the recent events in the world, I thought I'd share these sweet words I listened to today from my friend and pastor Kris McDaniel.
“We hurt and we have questions that cannot and will not be answered—the brokenness of the world cannot be easily healed. It cannot be lightly remedied—it doesn’t work that way. And any Christian or politician that tries to lightly heal the wound is selling us something that is not true. What is true is that Jesus looks into the deepest darkness of your soul and mine; He looks into the brokenness; the systemic injustice of the world—and He weeps. And then He promises to do something about it. Your story ends with Jesus making all things new.
But we’re not there yet. Today we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are hurting. Today we get to pray. Today we get to serve. Today we get to push out. Today we get to be present. The Body—the building—we get to touch each other, and love one another, and mourn together....
If you know people today who are hurting, do not lightly heal their hurts. Sit with them. Come close to them—in doing so, you affirm the mystical Body of Christ. And that is what we do when our own are hurting."