Yesterday on International Holocaust Remembrance Day President Trump signed an executive memorandum in an effort to grant Christian refugees and others from minority religions priority over Muslim refugees entering the United States by temporarily banning the entry of all Libyans, Somalians, Yemenis, Sudanese, Iraqis, and Iranis—even families on airplanes en route to America while the order was being signed. Further, Syrians were singled out as, "detrimental to the interests of the United States," and blocked from entry indefinitely.
That is a sizable portion of a region far too many brethren before us have assiduously pleaded before God to open doors to, that they might share together with those people that which we cannot lose. And today they are coming to us in droves! Yet we have instead sought to keep safe for ourselves that which we will all one day lose—and close the doors.
I am with you, America; I want to be wise and keep my family safe. But this? This?
Dear me, our brothers and sisters are surely rolling in their graves.