This image from the Rwandz Camp of a few hundred Yazidi refugees brings more to my mind than is reasonable to write here, or perhaps more than is helpful. But I read some words in an old book a few weeks back that this image makes think of. See, I love the way these five young men sit—they sit like they’re waiting on something. And it’s true, we all know they are. They’re waiting to be done with the place God has them in—to go home and have their lives back.
And that’s why I thought of this: “Waiting is much more difficult than walking. Waiting requires patience, and patience is a rare virtue…[When] the hedge is kept around one until it grows so high that he cannot see over the top, and wonders whether he is ever to get out of the little sphere of influence and service in which he is pent up, it is hard for him sometimes to understand why he may not have a larger environment—hard for him to 'brighten the corner' where he is. But God has a purpose in all His holdups. 'The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord,’ …at this verse George Mueller had a notation, 'And the stops also.’ "
"It requires a grander heroism to stand and wait and not lose heart and not lose hope…” -J.R. Miller
Would you pray for the men in this photograph now? Pray that in their “holdup” God would come and “brighten the corner” where they are?